| +1.617.852.0000 | aimlune

Here is an overview of the translation services I provide. Please note that this list is not exhaustive; feel free to contact me with any questions or specific concerns (such as ISO requirements). All of my legal work is performed under an NDA upon request.

Corporate (correspondence, memoranda, reports, interpretation services in person or via telephone-teleconference)

Legal (contracts, leases, briefs, correspondence, judgments, warrants)

Technical (biotech, medical, journal articles, engineering, architectural)

Financial (audits, reports, analysis, correspondence)

Advertising (slogans, campaigns, brochures, internal and external marketing documents)

Publishing (ready-to-publish articles, interviews)


The localization services I offer include Web, marketing documents, as well as technical manuals.

I'm also pleased to provide a comprehensive package for OS X developers which includes localizing all content (English.lproj or French.lproj) and residing files (.nib, .strings .plist .rsrc), help files, and associated web site. I can host the localized site (yoursite.lune.net), provide ongoing localized technical support to your customers, and "soft" promote your product to French-speaking websites in France, Belgium, Canada, and Switzerland (such as MacBidouille and FrTracker) as well as French magazines, such as Univers Macworld, which has reviewed two products so far.

Fees are set up as follows: I sometimes require a one-time fee (generally $500-$2000 depending on the project), and 33% of French sales. This kind of partnership has worked very well in the past, as developers gain to penetrate new markets at no significant risk or cost.


To hire LUNEnet for a project is to rest assured your project will be translated with access to a wealth of specialized lexical resources, digital as well as written. Some of these dictionaries, glossaries, and lexica are rare because they are expensive to produce, appeal to a relatively small market, are printed in limited runs, and often go out of print.

Yet when working on specialized documents, we depend on these to find the correct meanings, much in the same way a sailor might have depended on a navigational chart to find his way around.

The following is the (growing) list of lexical assets I've accumulated over the years. I didn't omit the commonly available entries (such as the Collins-Robert) simply for the sake of thoroughness. The rarer of these were found in small used bookstores in Paris, or book dealers, or by special order, or even online using services such as Ebay.

Atkins, Duval, Milne.
Collins Robert French-English English-French Dictionary Unabridged, 3rd Edition.

New York: HarperCollins, 1993.

Boi, P.
Dictionnaire Aéronautique Thématique et Illustré Français/Anglais
English/French Illustrated and Thematic Dictionary of Aeronautics
Paris : La Maison du Dictionnaire, 1997.

Boielle, J.
A New French and English Dictionary
New York : Funk & Wagnalls, 1903.

Caigno P, Jammal A.
Dictionnaire Anglais-Français et Français-Anglais des Biotechnologies
Paris : Tec & Doc Lavoisier, 1995

Corréard M-H, Grundy V.
The Concise Oxford Hachette French Dictionary
Le Dictionnaire Hachette Oxford Compact.
Paris : Hachette, 1995.

Delamare, J & T.
Dictionnaire Français - Anglais des Termes Techniques de Médecine
English - French Dictionary of Medical Terms

Paris: Librairie Maloine, 1970.

Deysine A, Errante E.
Dictionnaire de l'Anglais Économique et Juridique et du Commerce International
Paris : Librairie Générale Française, 1996.

Dobenik R, Hartline G.
Dictionnaire Technique de la Marine Anglais/Français et Français/Anglais
Naval Technical Dictionary English/French and French/English
Paris : La Maison du Dictionnaire, 1989.

Fisher, R.
Dictionnaire Informatique Anglais-Français Vol 1, 6ème Édition
Paris : Éditions Eyrolles, 1990.

Fisher, R.
Dictionnaire Informatique Anglais-Français Vol 2, 6ème Édition
Paris : Éditions Eyrolles, 1990.

Gourseau, H.
Dictionnaire Technique et Scientifique Anglais-Français, Vol 1, 2ème Édition.

Paris : Éditions Henri Gourseau, 1998.

Gourseau, H.
Dictionary of Technical and Scientific Terms, French-English, Vol 2, 2nd Edition
Paris : Éditions Henri Gourseau, 1996.

Le Moal, P.
Lexique Cinéma-Vidéo Français-Anglais & Anglais-Français
Paris: Éditions Dujjarric, 1995.

Luce, B.
Dictionnaire Gastronomique Français/Anglais
Dictionary of Gastronomic Terms French/English
New York : Hippocrene Books, 1997.

Ménard, L.
Dictionnaire de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière Anglais-Français avec index Français-Anglais
Paris : Institut Canadien des Comptables Agréés, Ordre des experts comptables - France, Institut des Reviseurs d'éntreprises - Belgique, 1994.

Spencer, D.
Webster's NewWorld Dictionary of Computer Terms, 5th Edition
New York : Macmillan, 1994.

Steinmetz, E F.
Codex Vegetabilis
Amsterdam : Steinmetz, 1957.

Whitfield, C.
l'Anglais Musicologique
Paris: Beauchesne Éditeur, 1989.

Wilkins, N.
Lexique de l'Immobilier Français/Anglais - Anglais/Français.

Paris: La Maison du Dictionnaire, 1991.

War Department.
French Military Dictionary English-French French English, TM 30-502.

Washington D.C. : War Department, 1944.

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